Abuse - Assault Mental Health - Personal Struggles Recovery and Well-Being Strength

Con and Narcissist

BY: LIZ HARDIE You are a con and a narcissist Gaining the trust of most people you meet Reading people, faking smiles and flaunting your charm, you felt like quite the catch Knowing what to say at the right time, words so sweet Those damn words, almost all of them stories and lies A con and I fell hard, fell in love with you Falling for the hurt I heard in your voice and saw…

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Depression - Anxiety Mental Health - Personal Struggles Recovery and Well-Being Self-Care Strength Therapy


BY: LIZ HARDIE Is it possible to find yourself, figure out who you are When the thought of finding it out seems so, so far Beaten up emotionally and physically throughout life Going through divorce, despite being an amazing wife Daughters who are amazing, they are everything, life revolves around them Days you may wonder, are you anyone’s precious gem Daughters adore you, love you to no end Blessed with some of amazing family and…

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Mental Health - Personal Struggles Recovery and Well-Being Self-Care Strength


BY: LIZ HARDIE A definition of self-confidence is trusting in your own judgment, capacities and abilities, to value yourself Feeling worthy, regardless of any imperfections or what others may believe about you Lacking self-confidence and self-worth from a young age, for many reasons I have not fully dealt with Knowing that dealing with these will make me bloom, facing all head on has been my task to pursue In the present, I am not even…

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Miscellaneous Our Society Strength

Parents Build The Foundation

BY: LIZ HARDIE Parents build the foundation in their children’s life Most put their children’s needs above their own, to give them a better tomorrow Some parents only know how to be angry or narcissistic, causing pain and strife Cherish every minute with your parents and children, when their gone life will be filled with sorrow I was blessed with a mother and father who showed so much love Always there for us, to encourage,…

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Abuse - Assault Depression - Anxiety Mental Health - Personal Struggles Strength


BY: LIZ HARDIE Scars on your skin, scars on your soul deep within Every scar tells a story, the scars on the inside are stories you’ve hidden A past you were too afraid to speak of Pain and hurt cause by many, they said they cared about you and some supposedly loved you Sexual assaults, two monsters, left scars so deep, they completely damaged me Hurt deep inside for years, I held my tongue, the…

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Depression - Anxiety Mental Health - Personal Struggles Recovery and Well-Being Strength


BY: LIZ HARDIE Am I making the right decisions, is it the best for me So many reasons I wonder if this is where I’m meant to be Every day I am challenged, I am battling voices inside my head These voices continue all day long,  there with me at night in bed Self doubt is something I live with daily, some roads I traveled were extremely dark Some decisions I made were terrible and…

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Miscellaneous Our Society Strength


BY: Liz Hardie Growing up in the sports world my whole life I have had a wide range of coaches From soft spoken to loud, kind to nasty, honest to biased, competent to incompetent  You name it, I had “that” coach that every athlete loves or every athlete despises Instead of letting the terrible coaches make me feel weak, I used them to raise my confidence The horrid coaches did not define me as a…

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Mental Health - Personal Struggles Our Society Self-Care Stigma of Mental Health Strength


By: Liz Hardie Stability, what is your definition of stability and the importance of it in life It is said to be continuing life in a regular, successful way without unexpected changes I completely understand stability, I just never felt it was something I could apply In my life, I’ve always expected change, though I’m sure many hoped for me it was a phase So many people fear change in their life, yet change has…

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Mental Health - Personal Struggles Our Society Self-Care Stigma of Mental Health Strength


BY: LIZ HARDIE Strong, Independent Women, they can become These women many say, they want to have in their life They are bold, courageous, have no fear Stand up for their beliefs, many have dealt with much strife Never afraid to be alone, they handle every task No one is needed to fill internal holes or voids Physically up for any challenge, they never give up Soon these women are considered too much to handle,…

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